Notice to Members
November 2, 2022

Notice to Members

To all our Valuable Members,

We want to inform you of some changes you will see at our Lanigan and Humboldt Food Stores in 2023. For years Humboldt Co-op has been a very social and environmentally sustainable business with the best interest of both the members and our communities at the heart of all decisions.

As you may or may not be aware single use plastic is slowly being removed from circulation and government mandated to be gone by Dec. of 2023. Humboldt Co-op has made the decision to quit using them in January of 2023 as stock depletes. We have reusable bags for sale, and will continue to have cardboard boxes available for those of you that prefer boxes. This is both an environmental decision as well as a brand decision that fits our Mission – “Building sustainable communities through quality products and outstanding service”.

We have also made the decision to discontinue distributing paper flyers in 2023. We will work with all members to do what we can to help with this transition. Our flyers can be viewed online at and we will continue to bring 100 into the store for pick up. We understand that this will not be favorable for several our members, however the savings that we will have from not purchasing and distributing these flyers will help us to bring new promotional savings to you, our shoppers.

A couple of the promotions that we are planning is “buy food save on fuel” which will replace the rev’d up rewards promotion, “Todd’s Teed up Deals” where Food Division Manager, Todd Marcotte will be teeing you up a new special monthly, as well as a reduced pricing on select items.

All our business decisions are made with the best interest of the membership, “How do we best serve and reward our members while remaining financially viable”.

If you would like to discuss this further please feel free to reach out to General Manager Joe von Doellen @306-231-4243 or drop by the office for a chat.